Hello all!
It has been a while since I've posted and much has happend in my life, as well as in the bigger scheme of things with the upcoming election and other happenings. I had a booth at last Sunday's Ocean Beach Canine Carnival and had a blast. I saw and met so many wonderful doggies and nice people. It was fun! It was the OB Kiwanis' third annual Howl-O-Ween Festival with a costume contest and parade led by canine celebrity Parade Grand Marshal, Bandit the Biker Dog -pictured. http://www.banditthebikerdog.com/. I was blessed to have my own lovely dog, Ginger there along with my good friend Alex. They were quite the troopers all day, greeting people, giving out information and helping me so I was able to do readings. Thanks Alex and Ginger!!!
In addition to offering psychic readings to people and their pooches, I talked to people about pet nutrition, gave out free samples of Stella and Chewy's freeze dried meat food and treats http://www.stellaandchewys.com/ and information and free bully stick gift cards from Paw Country holistic pet store http://www.welcometopawcountry.com/ and helped to promote "YES on Prop 2". I also had free copies available of the Peninusala Beacon (OB's newspaper) and San Diego Pets Magazine. http://www.sdnews.com/ and http://www.sandiegopetsmagazine.com/
I have an article in the current, September/October issue of San Diego Pets magazine. Happier You - Happier Pet appears on page 20. You can download a copy from their website or read it online. Also at their website you can find out where you can pick up a print copy. Here's a link to the readable/downloadable copy http://www.sandiegopetsmagazine.com/pdf/sdpets.pdf. This link will probably only temporaily go to the current issue. They will replace it, most likely with the new issue once it is published.
In other news.....it's election time! How am I voting?
Barack Obama for President! http://www.barackobama.com/ change, change, change - it's time!
Yes on Prop 2! http://www.yesonprop2.com/ more humane treatment of farm animals
No on Prop 8! http://www.noonprop8.com/ supports basic human rights
There are definitely other candidates and issues worthy of mentioning, but these are my top three to show my support of. Whatever your beliefs...make your voice heard and get out and vote on Tuesday, November 4!
If I met you at last Sunday's OB Canine Carnival....thanks for stopping by my booth - Wild and Tame Wellness and Communications. For more information about me and my services I can be reached via email at sindisomers@gmail.com or cell phone at 619-384-0761.