I have taught a variety of classes and workshops at CDM, as well as independently throughout Western Washington state and San Diego. Meditation has helped me to gain confidence, increase my self-esteem and to be more comfortable with who I am.
The techniques I practice have made such a phenomenal difference in my life that I want to share them with others. This is why I teach! Visit www.wildtame.com to learn more about me and my services.
I will be offering a six week meditation class beginning Thursday, May 7 from 7:00 - 9:30 pm. This class is designed for beginning meditators and those wishing to add some additional techniques to their practice. It will be held in the Mission Valley area.
Pre-registration with a $25 non-refundable deposit is required by May 4 to secure your space in the class.
You will learn a variety of tools in a safe, fun environment. Class topics include:
- Grounding
- Centering
- Releasing Energy
- Creating and Letting Go
- Aura Awareness
- Chakras
- Consciously Creating What You Want!!!
Call me at 619-384-0761 or email info@wildtame.com to register today! I look forward to having you in class!